March and April are going to be a busy months at Tien Lung, and you can find out all the details below:
Alberta TKD Merch Collection
As our club looks towards the next competition opportunities, this also means new team wear! We’ve decided to put together an Alberta themed collection, and the best part? It will be available to everyone! Check out the full details on our online store! Pre-orders are now available online or in person. A portion of each item sold will support our athletes!
Don’t miss out! This collection will be a limited run with Pre-orders will be ending soon. Items are expected to be ready for pick up March/April 2025.
PD Day, Teacher’s Convention, and Spring Break Camp
Join us for our amazing day camps! Throughout out the school year, we run day camps for all PD Days and Seasonal Breaks. We'll have an awesome time with games, TKD, and more. Sign up online, by phone, or in person!
-February 26 (ECSD Non-Instructional Day)
-February 27-28 (Teacher’s Convention)
-March 24 – 28 (Spring Break Camp)
-March 31 (EPSB PD Day)
-April 17 (EPSB PD Day)
*Membership discounts apply! Daily Dragons, all camps within your membership term are included, please make sure to register.
Colour Belt Graduation
All of our students have been hard at work and it will soon be time to celebrate their success! Our next Graduation will be on March 5! All students who have completed their chapter requirements and are eligible to graduate will be presented with their new belt! Of course, your friends and family are invited and welcome to attend. Our graduation ceremony will be during evening class on March 5 from 6:30-7:30pm. Please arrive early and check in to confirm your appropriate belt and size!
We're overjoyed to host another large graduation event for all of our students. We've even got a demo from our instructors, black belts, and select students in store! As part of the ceremonies, each student group will also perform their patterns before receiving their new belts. Once the graduation has been completed, students will have the opportunity to take photos with their instructors!
Tentative Schedule:
6:00pm - Check In
6:30pm - Bow in, Graduation Ceremonies Begin
6:45pm - Belt Presentations and Demo
7:30pm - Group Photo, and Instructor Photo Opportunity
Please keep up with your practice and be prepared to test for your progress stripes in the coming weeks. For those of you who would like extra help, book a private lesson today! All colour belt graduation requirements must be completed prior to March 1.
Graduation Grace Period
For those of you who didn’t quite make it in time to graduate, we have a two-week grace period in which we’ll catch up the remaining students who missed part of the semester due to absences over the summer. Please be ready to test and have all of your examination requirements completed. Upon passing all of your progress stripes, we’ll present them with their new rank in the following class. The grace period will be in effect from March 6 until March 22.
Dragon Challenge 2025
In case you missed out event meeting, you can find all the details about our in-house tournament on our website! We’ve invited over 30 students to participate in our club competition where they’ll get to face off against their fellow peers in events such as patterns, sparring, and board breaking! This tournament will feature 3 event phases over the course of Spring 2025. For those of you participating, please make sure to confirm your registration before February 28. Spectators are more than welcome during any of the events and you can keep up with all the action with live standings and competition brackets through our website! Preliminary events will be starting soon through March 10-14 and 17-21, with Quarter Finals taking place on April 8 & 10, concluding with Semi/Grand finals on April 26!
Good Friday and Easter Monday Closure
Please be aware that the dojang will be closed for the Easter long weekend during April 18-21. All scheduled classes will be cancelled.
Phoenix TKD Tournament
Another competition opportunity is coming up soon! Phoenix Taekwon-Do is hosting an ITF based tournament on May 9 & 10. We'd love to take any students who are interested in competing. Please take the time to discuss competing with your instructor should you be intent on attending the upcoming tournament. We encourage our students to take part in competitions for the valuable learning experience. It's also a great and fun way to test your skills! Registration forms and event information are available at the front desk!
Ongoing Renovations
We kindly thank you for your patience through our facility improvements! Please excuse our mess and we apologize for any inconveniences. Please come check in at the reception desk upstairs upon your arrival.